Technology and climate: Leveraging satellite data to anticipate climate risks

Artificial intelligence helps predict extreme weather events in the name of the UN 2030 Agenda. Startups (such as Eoliann) are cleantech pioneers.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing various industries, including environmental protection.
Eoliann, an Italian startup, uses satellite data and AI to estimate the likelihood and impact of natural disasters.

This approach supports climate risk management for financial institutions, infrastructure companies
and insurance companies, contributing to the fight against climate change. Recent UN AI Advisory Council Promotes the Use of Machine Learning to Address Global Challenges and Accelerate
the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

Eoliann’s activity

Eoliann, a startup that uses satellite data for advanced environmental analysis. Chiara Mugnai, co-founder, points out that today AI manages over 100 terabytes of daily images, allowing the evolution of the Earth to be monitored with greater precision than in the past.

Modern satellites with advanced sensors improve the resolution and collection of climate and environmental data.
Eoliann is creating models to assess landslide risk and protect infrastructure.

Green intelligence

Artificial intelligence, however, is not just a prediction tool. The Economist coined the term
“Green Intelligence” to describe the use of AI applied to the environment also by adopting a sustainable technological approach.

In addition to the technological potential, hitherto unimaginable, comprehensive policies and a renewed environmental commitment are needed to ensure that “Green intelligence” can become a sustainable revolution.