
LEM Ecological Mangia Line

LEM specializes in sanitization, rodent control, deblatting, gardening and demarcation

Environmental sanitation is the set of operations aimed at the elimination of contaminants That with ordinary cleaning cannot be removed. Among the most common operations, in addition to sanitization, lem deals with Of deratization, deblatting, gardening and demining.


Lem is engaged in sanitization activities with the goal of eliminating all bacterial residue from any environment through specific procedures and products. We cherish the wholesomeness of the places we habitually frequent, which should be a safe place where we feel protected from all kinds of threats, even the tiny and insignificant ones, such that they are not visible to the naked eye.


Lem guarantees professional pest control activities, constant monitoring and control of the presence of rodents, rats and mice, with professional equipment and quick and effective interventions in any kind of environment. Especially companies, industries, condominiums and individuals


Deblatting and disinfestation represents the set of operations aimed at eliminating and/or reducing the presence of pests (insects, arthropods, etc.) and their damage. Activities can range from the simple application of pest control products in the home environment, to full-fledged pest control plans, in corporate, industrial, health care, hotel, and generally in any environment inhabited by humans.


Lem cares deeply about caring for the world’s green lung, that is, your outdoor gathering places. The goal is to preserve the life of the flora as she preserves our life by giving us oxygen. That is why our duty is to protect it from parasites that threaten its proper functioning.


Lem is also operational in demuscation activities with the goal of combating the spread of diseases that these insects, one of the most populous class in the world, carry by roosting everywhere.