Closed agreement in Venaria G7 Environment, stop coal-fired power plants by 2035. Triple renewables to 2030, develop fusion.

The G7 countries, in the final document of the G7 Environment, Energy and Climate, confirming the anticipations, commit to “phase out coal-fired power generation during the first half of the 2030s or over a period consistent with keeping the temperature rise within one and a half degrees.”

The final document indicates this.

On the coopeeration front with other countries, there is a commitment to promote a stop to the approval of new coal-fired power plants globally as soon as possible.

Shut down cabone power plants by 2035; triple electricity generation from renewable sources by 2030 and sixfold the capacity of storage, up to 1.5 Terawatts; promote collaboration of G7 countries on nuclear fusion; and emancipate from remaining Russian gas imports.These are the main innovations that emerged from the G7 Climate, Energy and Environment G7 in Turin, Venaria Reale.

Other commitments made in the final document include reducing methane gas emissions from fossil fuel supply chains by 75 percent to 2030; decarbonizing industrial and hard-to abate plants by making use of innovative technologies, including carbon capture and storage, low-emission renewable hydrogen and biomethane; and promoting security of supply of critical raw materials through the concrete implementation of the Plan envisioned at last year’s G7. Different options for decarbonizing the road sector were confirmed in Venaria.